The purpose of the Colorado Senior Volleyball Association
The purpose of the Colorado Senior Volleyball Association (CSVA) is to provide volleyball opportunities to Colorado residents who are 50 years of age and older by December 31 of the current year. CSVA will accomplish this by:
- Holding an annual election for half of the CSVA Board of Directors. (See Election Procedure).
- Hosting regularly scheduled CSVA meetings.
(See Team Rep/Board Meeting Information).
- Hosting an Annual Team Rep/Board Meeting to provide teams the opportunity to change CSVA playing rules and policies, procedures or bylaws by presenting written motions by a specified deadline to be voted on at this annual meeting. (See Team Rep/Board Meeting Information).
- Coordinating volleyball leagues and post season tournaments.
- Coordinating draw tournaments and fundraisers.
- Providing outreach programs such as officiating and player skill clinics.
- Providing equipment, apparel and/or awards to teams registered with CSVA for advertising purposes.
- Providing financial assistance for CSVA players who reside in Colorado to attend out-of-state, national and international volleyball tournaments. (See Requests for Financial Assistance from CSVA Restricted Account)
- Supporting CSVA activities through a bank account consisting of the following funds:
- General Fund – Income generated from league and tournament registration fees paid to CSVA. The fund is used to support leagues, post- season tournaments, general operating expenses and equipment.
- Designated Fund – Income generated when donations to CSVA are made for a designated purpose. Funds are used solely for the designated purpose. (See #8 above).
- Restricted Fund – Income generated from draw tournament
fees and donations to CSVA that are not given for a specific purpose. The fund is used to support draw tournament expenses and fundraisers and to provide assistance to Colorado players attending out-of-state, national and international volleyball tournaments. (See #8 above).
Colorado Senior Volleyball Association © 2022
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