Division | Team |
Average Age | Number of Players | 4 | South Suburban Volleyers | 74.6 | 8 players |
5 | Apex Set Me High | 73.2 | 13 players |
4 | Longmont Bumpers | 71.3 | 9 players |
5 | Evergreen The Players | 71.3 | 12 players |
5 | Apex AL hitters | 70.6 | 9 players |
5 | Lakewood Energizers | 70.5 | 10 players |
3 | Lakewood Golden Oldies | 68.7 | 10 players |
3 | Lakewood Fireproof Guys | 68.1 | 8 players |
5 | South Suburban Spiked Punch | 67.2 | 6 players |
3 | Lafayette Blitz | 67.1 | 15 players |
3 | Evergreen Aint Dead Yet | 66.8 | 8 players |
4 | Springs Bones In Motion | 66.1 | 10 players |
3 | Lakewood Grateful Digs | 66.0 | 11 players |
3 | Apex Block Busters | 65.7 | 10 players |
4 | Erie Youve Been Served | 65.3 | 10 players |
2 | Boomtown We Dig It! | 64.9 | 8 players |
5 | Littleton The Holman Gang | 64.8 | 9 players |
4 | South Suburban Nets | 64.8 | 12 players |
4 | Evergreen Can You Dig It | 64.8 | 12 players |
2 | Lakewood Mile High Hops | 63.2 | 11 players |
2 | Lakewood Wallabys | 61.8 | 10 players |
2 | South Suburban Old Diggers | 61.7 | 14 players |
1 | Apex Fine Aged Whine | 60.8 | 12 players |
2 | Boulder Baby Boomers | 60.3 | 12 players |
1 | Loveland Senior VB Action | 59.9 | 9 players |
1 | Park People | 59.4 | 12 players |
1 | Lakewood Generations | 59.4 | 12 players |
1 | Lakewood Tequila Sunset | 59.3 | 12 players |
1 | Springs Chickens | 59.3 | 15 players |
1 | Springs Silver Spikes | 58.5 | 11 players |
1 | Apex Spike It Rich | 58.0 | 12 players |
2 | Springs Still-at-It | 54.9 | 10 players |
| Div | Seed | Team |
Average Age | Number of Players |
1 | 1 | Springs Chickens | 59.3 | 15 players |
1 | 2 | Springs Silver Spikes | 58.5 | 11 players |
1 | 3 | Park People | 59.4 | 12 players |
1 | 4 | Apex Spike It Rich | 58.0 | 12 players |
1 | 5 | Apex Fine Aged Whine | 60.8 | 12 players |
1 | 6 | Lakewood Tequila Sunset | 59.3 | 12 players |
1 | 7 | Loveland Senior VB Action | 59.9 | 9 players |
1 | 8 | Lakewood Generations | 59.4 | 12 players |
2 | 1 | Lakewood Mile High Hops | 63.2 | 11 players |
2 | 2 | Springs Still-at-It | 54.9 | 10 players |
2 | 3 | Lakewood Wallabys | 61.8 | 10 players |
2 | 4 | South Suburban Old Diggers | 61.7 | 14 players |
2 | 5 | Boulder Baby Boomers | 60.3 | 12 players |
2 | 6 | Boomtown We Dig It! | 64.9 | 8 players |
3 | 1 | Apex Block Busters | 65.7 | 10 players |
3 | 2 | Evergreen Aint Dead Yet | 66.8 | 8 players |
3 | 3 | Lafayette Blitz | 67.1 | 15 players |
3 | 4 | Lakewood Grateful Digs | 66.0 | 11 players |
3 | 5 | Lakewood Fireproof Guys | 68.1 | 8 players |
3 | 6 | Lakewood Golden Oldies | 68.7 | 10 players |
4 | 1 | South Suburban Nets | 64.8 | 12 players |
4 | 2 | Springs Bones In Motion | 66.1 | 10 players |
4 | 3 | Evergreen Can You Dig It | 64.8 | 12 players |
4 | 4 | Longmont Bumpers | 71.3 | 9 players |
4 | 5 | South Suburban Volleyers | 74.6 | 8 players |
4 | 6 | Erie Youve Been Served | 65.3 | 10 players |
5 | 1 | South Suburban Spiked Punch | 67.2 | 6 players |
5 | 2 | Lakewood Energizers | 70.5 | 10 players |
5 | 3 | Apex Set Me High | 73.2 | 13 players |
5 | 4 | Evergreen The Players | 71.3 | 12 players |
5 | 5 | Littleton The Holman Gang | 64.8 | 9 players |
5 | 6 | Apex AL hitters | 70.6 | 9 players |