Colorado Senior Volleyball Association is offering volleyball classes to Senior Players (50+) during the next few months to help players understand basics of volleyball and teamwork:
  1. Positions on the Court
  2. Techniques of hitting, passing, setting, and serving the volleyball
  3. Transition from offense/defense

Where: Scheitler Recreation Center at Berkeley Park, 5031 W. 46th Ave.,
Denver, Colorado 80212 (Sheridan & I-70)

When: 3 sessions on Thursdays, beginning March 3, 17, and 24 from 9 AM -12 Noon

Sessions will include skills followed by controlled scrimmage and game.

Cost: 10 per session per person – a discount if you are currently on a CSVA team roster, then pay only $20 for 3 sessions.

You can attend 1, 2, or all 3 sessions

Clinicians: Linda Donohoo, PJ Ricker, and Adele Strawn

Sign up now! Register by March 2, 2010.

Checks made payable to CSVA or cash, due on the first session that you attend.

To register, contact one of the following:

Linda Donohoo 720-865-0647
PJ Ricker 303-513-9624
Adele Strawn 303-263-1691

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